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old times..scouting light

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i haf to say..jus nw when toking wif shaomin..i suddenly realised how much i miss being a scout..putting wad other ppl say aside..i reali love scouting..i mean i love e life i haf nw to be a bboy n a dance student under ann..studying wad i lyk..but still..i miss those times..wake up super early on sat mornings to go for meeting..

i was originally in chinese orchestra de..budden somehow..during e try out period..i saw e scouts preparing e games for their own orientation..den reminds me o when i was a cadet scout..den somehow dere was a strong longing to join sia haha..den i rem one day aft sch i go e scouts store find e seniors to ask to join lol..

finally join alr den i rem i went to swift patrol..qing wei was my pl me he's oso those small small size de..i last time super nerd one haha..den i rem e spl was jin xiang sir n qm was hua zhen sir..secretary was eugene sir n treasurer was xi xian everyone o dem i rem all e pt, footdrill training..knots..campcraft..pioneering..i still rem one afternoon during lower sec we stay back super late into e afternoon for a pioneering project haha..den is some tower de..den dominic dat time still was he go up n test e strength o e tower haha..den during break we'll chiong to canteen n eat..den b4 we eat hands mus off e table de..den campfires oso..reali miss dat part..

during sec 2 got one time i aft a pioneering project..lyk build super alot o stuff..den got some campfire meeting..i wasnt involved..dom oso not involved..den left e 2 o us to dismantle all e strutures..den we reali complain n complain lyk siao..den another time some district campfire we go dere super early to prepare for e cadets..den in e end tio gan by e district was e low point in scouts man..haha for a period o time i went off to do some ceramic shit tingy..den nvr go for quite a few meetings..i rem one time e ting end alr budden i c e flagpole still up, means meeting still not over..den i dun wan go meeting i go hm haha..budden aft dat got over e low point..den reali loved scouts to e max alr..

den i rem got one time we do orienteering..first time orienteering sia haha..frm sch to cck lol..walk zig zag line de hhahahah..walk to sembawang dere den lyk super here n dere de..den got map oso haha..den i rem one o e check points is a fire hose @ some hdb block hhahaha...den got one point frm i itnk kallang to yew tee we mus walk lyk some super ulu road..den raining somemore..haha..our poncho not to protect ourselves but to protect e map haha..den b4 dat we went yew tee den some ppl bought bubble e wad fei fei pao pao those showgals de lol..den in e end by e time we reach cck we take out our socks..den squeeze out e water..e water is grey colour de sia hahaha..den i still rem bpp is one o e check points..mus c if dere got any 7-11 stores onot hahaha..

den e 2nd lyk mini go pass riverside sec de lol..den go one round..ending point is e sembawang hotsprings haha..

den oh ya..we did a hike..frm bukit timah hill dere to mandai some super off road de la hahaha..den we do our own outdoor cooking..but lucky is not survival solid fuel provided lol..den i was drinking e wad super chlorophyll water my dad gave me haha..den halfway thru e hike..e stupid gal guides use finish their water..first part o e hike keep drinking sia lol..den we mus gif dem our water..siao eh..den in e end dey use e water to wash hand..walao..we lyk super thirsty no water to drink..but gif u our e end u use e water to go wash hand haha..den our committee even worse..dey mus gif us their we got @ least some water to drink..budden committee no water @ all haha..den eng chuan was complaining say wad dey're saddists cos dey wan torture us..cos got one point we can return to civillisation alr but dey dun wan hahaha..den ending point is @ mandai zoo dere e end we go back n go sembawang shopping centre play lan hahaha..i rem my shoe alr open crocodile mouth liao hahaha..

den another time is e jamboree in malaysia haha..oni sec 2 n sec 1 go we're lyk e biggest all e prep n briefing @ chinese high sch..den aft dat got briefing @ scouts hq oso lol..den we mus draw tent n everyting lol..den on e day we went chinese high i still rem me n jiekai go back sch to draw one more tent..den take bus to chinese high..or take cab can't rem hahaha..den we take bus dere lol..quite long journey hahaha..den reach alr we pitch tent n all..den ok la..quite some activities..den we walk ard e camp den hear some other countries scouts sing song den we join in oso hahha..super fun lol..den jiekai take e ground sheet make into hammock den we all take turns to use..den we put e groundsheet on e floor..den play wrestling..den some teacher in charge frm another country is e refree hahaha..den parti vs zuxian got one time zx kena tackled down..den we were lyk oh parti win alr..den suddenly zx stand out n shout f la parti den we all cheer for zx hahahahaha..super funny hhahaha..den got one stupid dunno acs or beatty guy..cos somebody broke his knife he wan us all to buy him one back haha..den zhisheng was quarelling wif him..den somebody anyhow shout fall in den jianwei in e tent was philosopy-ing wif e guy say wad fall in v serious matter haha..

den one nite parti dey all go buy satay frm e road side stall..den nxt day all food poisoning hahaha..den e bathing water is lyk one concrete area cordon off den filled wif water den ppl use those kinda pail to draw water n pour over to bathe de lol..den cos e toilet no flush den all e shit overflowing..den somemore got housefly hhahahah..den some clever dick go shit into e bathing wtaer..some ppl dunno den dey go bathe wif it..some even brush teeth sia hahaha..lucky i nvr bathe lol..den got one mud pool mus swing over..dat zhisheng act smart go deep himself ard in it..another scout go do pushup in it..den ltr we found out e cadet scouts pissed in it e nite b4 hahahaha..OWNED lol..den i rem when finally go back's so nice to see road signs in lyk maciam take a breath o fresh air la hahaha..den eng chuan lost his passport..aft we cross e checkpoint hahaha..dat's a memorable event sia..still got e certificate o participation lol..

sec 3 got e campfire..den i rem during one o e campfire item prac den we mus sit n form e boundaries for e performers..den my first gf was sitting nxt to me..budden @ dat time i not wif her yet la hahaha..den dunno y dat day i was lyk feeling super disciplined..den i sit down oso got e super disciplined feel den jus sit dere felt lyk i was acting cool abit haha..den during one time we got promoted..den super happy e apl rank..haha..treasure it lyk siao haha..den got all e responsibilities o apl oso..den i rem me n parti n all were lyk super high cos we can finally shout "squad, sediah..!!!!" hahahahaha..den i rem one aft one campfire i kinda jio-ing my first gf den i send her hm aft campfire haha..den my mom was calling to kp me hahaha..

den as e new committee we oso mus do e year plan..rem spending lyk one whole day in woodlands lib doing it..den kena chase out by security guard hahaha..den went jiekai's hse to do lol..

den finally sec promoted to pl hahaha..wa damn high lol..zuxian got e treasurer post..wanted e treasurer post @ first de..but i'm still proud to be a pl hahaha..swift patrol pl haha.woots lol..den lead my boys haha..but i wasnt dat good a pl i tink hahaha..i still rem yong chuan hahaha..reminds me o someone i noe nw..can't rem who hahaha..oh ya..i noe..abit reminds me o yew seng hahaha..

anyway went for pltc..we alr got our pl rank alr..but mus go pltc for our first class badge..den go dere is all e kids de haha..den dey see our pl rank dey reali is awed by it hahaha..i rem one gal scout frm e nxt patrol i tink dat time was quite chio de lol..frm yuan qin sec lol..den during e lectures abt how a ceremony shld be..all e warriors lyk fell asleep troop was called warrior naturally..we're called warriors hahaha..anyway den ee siong was lyk saying eh dun slp..set good example haha..shit man i rem dat @ dat time i was lyk saying i'd much rather be doing pt hahaha..den got one time firedrill i go back tent take my bag den left my water bottle dere..den someone kick away..den i was made to run to a wall far away den come run to bball court touch e 2 poles haha...i super dulan den i chiong n run e fastest hahaha..den during e bag inspection all e warriors take charge o their patrols n cos we used to command alr den we quite pwn haha..i rem yelling to timekeeper for timecheck lol..den got one time dey say wad female undergarments keep in bag den i dunno how to tell e gal scout in my patrol..den i shy n say ur er..undergarments..can put inside bag hahaha.....shit man..those were good times..everytime take 171 to sch can see e sch where e pltc was held..i still rem..pltc : shout lyk thunder, move lyk lightning.. hahahaha..

den dat time hua zheng sir came back n introduced a reform..den we were lyk all got our own files n stuff haha...reali respect him..aft 4 years still can come back hahaha..aft 4 years..i dun even go back ai as often alr..but ltr den explain y ba haha..den dat time sec 4 got self study period aft sch for prep for o lvls haha..den we'd take attendance in class..den aft dat go play bball..den when nearing 4 o'clock den we'd go back class, take attendance, den go play bball again haha..den everytime got teacher coming near by we'd go scouts store n hide de hahahaha..i rem we fought v hard for e position o our scouts store la all u new warriors..mus appreciate wad we went thru for u all sia ahhaha..almost fell out wif e guides haha..den we is play bball everyday til almost prelims..den we even match wif e bball team o ai la hahah..but is lower sec de..den we win..quite shiok hahaha..i dat time is layup kia..shooting totally cmi one hahah..burst o speed sia lol..den i can reject ppl dat's taller den me somemore..woots..shortness is a virtue i used to say hahahah..

den one time aft we all promote to pl n jiekai to spl, we went for campfire..tink is @ monkshill sec..den for e first time in lyk dunno how long..wa we win best supportive sia hahaha..wa super high lol..den jiekai wasn't dere lol..tink hf was abit sore abt not being spl or smth den we all kena propoganda-ed by him n say eh we won best supportive w/o spl hahahaha..wad sia lol..

den i rem during one cca open hse we go back n help..actually cannot stay overnight de..dat stupid tkj lol..budden in e end managed to stay ahhaah..den me n jiekai i tink slept on top o e tower n watch over e structures hahaha..den got some sec one kids beohing jiekai hahaha..cos dat time was e sec one orientation camp haha..den during e cca open hse i do e firefox stopper wif dunno who hahaha..damn nice la lol..

when we graduate..we went back..some o us decided to be ventures, den hf n jiekai decided to be scout leaders e end cos o political problem wif fedrick yong den we nvr go back alr..i rem one camp when we were still ai ventures..den we were lyk in our own room den listening to music..den suddenly hua zheng sir come in..dominic still blasting jay song frm e computer la hahaha..we all super scard den faster off e song haha..den he tok wif us den ok la..he's v nice haha..respect him alot oso..budden aft dat e fedrick yong started screwing tings up in e troop..den one time we were v pissed..i rem me parti dom n zx were lyk on 812 to e int..den we were discussing..parti ask if we wan go back onot..we all super dulan wif e treatment alr..den we all lyk kinda decided dat we won't go back dat often alr..haha..

i still day straight away aft my o lvl finish den i go for yishun district camp wif my batch e ppl..@ terror sea scout dere..e place is lyk..screwed up management rem cos i super sian den listen discman..e commisionner nvr say anyting..budden another venture gan me for listening to it hahaha..i was super dulan la..haha..aft o lvl straight away come help e end e camp organisation so screwed up hahaha..i rem going to hf hse to slp cos dun wan slp dere haha..

shit man all these memories..dey made me who i am tdy..w/o scouts, w/o ai warrior scouts, i wouldn't be who i am's because o scouts dat i fell in love wif bball oso..i rem one time mr yong ask us if we can do lyk a dance item lyk wad other troops were doing..i was way man..i can't dance for nuts.haha look @ wad i'm doing nw hahha..shit man..i miss campfires..hope warriors get their nxt campfire up soon..den i can go back hahaha..die die will pull parti zx n dom back hahahaa...

shit man..i miss scouting..
once a scout, forever a scout..

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  • hi erm dis is my blog.. it's nt very interesting to read unless u noe me.. i'm nt v tall..n nt v buff either..dey say i'm skinny.. i'm in nra..i like dance..more towards bboying actually..but i'm fine wif locking n lyrical hip hop too..popping is nice oso.. i used to play bball n guitar..pool too..but i dun reali haf lotsa time to spare nw so kinda neglected dem haha.. i'm a any anti-christian dicks can jus buzz off..n i'm anti gays too.. peace n God bless ya'll
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