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suntec dance 2007 finals

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woots..can u believe it? 8steps made it to finals, which is alr lyk miraculous le..den plus we made it to top 3 la..we got 2nd place in e finals can lol..omG..thank God sia..seriously it's so unexpected..haha..fri aft work i rush down to suntec for e rehearsal den met e phillipines all stars den tok wif dis guy called patrick..den tok tok alr den aft dat run thru a few times den took e last 857 wif jess hm..den sat rite..took bus to suntec again den met up wif 8steps..we went into e holding area den aft dat went to eat @ e food court..aft dat go back n mark stage one more time..aft dat is lyk more n more ppl coming in le..tok to patrick again..den learned alot o stuff frm him la..i tink i understand abit more abt showmanship alr..he say it's lyk..dun dance for for God, dance for ur team mates, dance for e's not abt winning or loosing, it's abt enjoying..n if u enjoy, if ur whole team is united, e judges can c one..dat's wad's impt..dat's how we do it..

den he oso lyk show us e basics o's not easy la lol..everyting is lyk frm e chest nvm la i tink i'll still stick to bboying..but if e allstars come singapore n conduct workshop i won't mind going haha..den finally e finals started @ 7..when e mc say wad..singapore, let's count down den e countdown started we lyk abit nervous la haha..den e opening we went up, said hi to everyone den went back junior solo finished den it's time for e open solo..terence ken n alex were lyk dope la lol..den finally is time for e open grp le..poshbites went up first n dey were dope la haha..nxt is us..we were lyk..rem's all abt showing love hahaha..8love..!! haha..while waiting to go out on stage, suprisingly i wasn't dat nervous..i guess wad patrick said to me kinda works ba..n yes..!! i completed my aim..i made eye contact wif e audience haha..damn happy lol..i lyk c all those mei mei down dere den i was lyk..come on man..showmanship lol..

den inbass n rough addicts were dope la..super dope haha..fbeats's lyk walao..dope to e max..alumnis are lyk dope shit finally when fbeats dance finish alr i go toilet shit haha..kek for super long alr sia..den dare not go shit cos i dun wan miss any o nra's ya e grp called da fuse i tink e concept change til quite lyk some circus contortionist la..quite nice concept lol..abit lyk e so u tink u can dance e newspaper dat one de haha..den aft dat i ate some o e food den we went up for e closing ceremony's lyk
we were expecting to get consolation la haha..den e junior solo e top 2 position gonna be announced dat time e 2 guys lyk cute la haha..playing wif each other hahahaha..budden for e open solo all o nra de nvr get top 3..abit sad..dunno y oso la..but well..

lol den when it's time for e open grp dat time..we were lyk waiting for our name to be announced for consolation la..we were lyk waiting..n waiting..den when all e 9 grps for consolation announce alr we were wad abt us..?? lol..den we were lyk super high la..but e sad ting is dat..fbeats get consolation..wad sia..i tink dey shldn't get consolation la..dey're dope anyway den we were lyk expecting to get 3rd place..budden in.bass got's e 2nd suprise la..wad sia..but well anyway den we were lyk even more high liao..e top 2 places were lyk us n rough addicts la lol..but seriously @ dat point o time i was hoping to get 2nd..cos i dun wan go'll lyk distrupt my studies la lol..funny hor lol..n i guess e responsibility o representing singapore oso abit heavy for us ba..den heng sia we get 2nd..rough addicts get first haha..woots 3 places goes to nra haha..c wad dat tt gotta say

den when we heard e results we were mind jus lyk brain dead lidat's lyk..too good to be's lyk so unreal la..jus being on dat stage..being able to share e stage wif inbass rough addicts n fbeats..den winning 2nd place in such a big dance comp..sophan i tink he happy til he cry la lol..wad sia seriously haha..den it's nice to see ann smile @ us oso..haha..i guess dat's one o e best rewards alr ba..

anyway thx lyk kai n wayne n all for coming down haha..den e nra freshies oso lol..kinda nice to haf supporters cheer for u lol..

anyway hope i won't get proud sia..first time join comp den get 2nd place..abit lyk cool sia..but seriously hope i dun get not sure gg le..but still..suntec dance 2007 has been a super good exp for me la..i'll always rem when sophan first asked us if we wan join..den when dat tt do stunt dun let us use studio..den we go blk 40 dere train..dere got out 8steps e mark alr sia haha..den i rem e first heats how nervous we were..den watching e 2nd n 3rd heats..when announce e finalists during e 3rd heats..den how high we's all been a great exp for me la..8steps all e way man..sophan ore ronnie farid alex bw jiajun..n plus me la hahaha..e original 8steps..i'll always treasure e moments we trained tgt sia..8steps all e way..!!!

budden nw super sian..cos aft dat went cine to eat wif ppppp cos mus take nite rider back anyway so might as well hang out wif dem awhile..budden dunno y suddenly my stomach feel super uncomfortable..den e beef bowl eat abit den can't finish le..aft dat went hm b4 i left ronnie dey all say my face is green de sia lol..anyway on e way back kinda puked on e bus..lucky got plastic bag sia haha..reach hm den lyk went to slp..n puked a few more times lol..tdy wake up den feeling betta liao lol..but sian..can't go wif ppppp to'd have been nice to lyk chill wif all o dem..but sian la sick lol..tink tml can't go attachment gcp alr..den plus tdy nvr go church..wanted to go de la..go gif thx for e blessings sia..well nvm i'll go nxt week..

shit man tink i'm gonna rest soon again ba..hope by tml can fully recover..sux to be sick..

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  • I'm kiat
  • From Singapore
  • hi erm dis is my blog.. it's nt very interesting to read unless u noe me.. i'm nt v tall..n nt v buff either..dey say i'm skinny.. i'm in nra..i like dance..more towards bboying actually..but i'm fine wif locking n lyrical hip hop too..popping is nice oso.. i used to play bball n guitar..pool too..but i dun reali haf lotsa time to spare nw so kinda neglected dem haha.. i'm a any anti-christian dicks can jus buzz off..n i'm anti gays too.. peace n God bless ya'll
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