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fruitful day..

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wa tdy slept 5hrs oni den wake up to go bboy training liao..super tired la..lucky still can break haha..den aft e official training had lunch den break somemore..i tink tdy quite fruitful sia..managed to do some new stuff

hong10 freeze got like hold like free once..den footwork to airchair got more understanding..airbaby to some funny air freeze oso betta liao..n e best ting is....i can reverse airchair spin 1/2 round haha..wif wristband la lol..k i noe it's no big deal but lemme high awhile la haha..

had dinner @ bugis den went to airport to send qinghui off..took some photos haha den watch her enter e gate..reminds me o when we sent eve off..anyway..kinda can't believe so fast she's gone more calling fats n stuff on sunday for quite awhile..well i guess we're all gonna miss her ba..take care in aust yeah haha..dun grow fatter..God bless..

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  • I'm kiat
  • From Singapore
  • hi erm dis is my blog.. it's nt very interesting to read unless u noe me.. i'm nt v tall..n nt v buff either..dey say i'm skinny.. i'm in nra..i like dance..more towards bboying actually..but i'm fine wif locking n lyrical hip hop too..popping is nice oso.. i used to play bball n guitar..pool too..but i dun reali haf lotsa time to spare nw so kinda neglected dem haha.. i'm a any anti-christian dicks can jus buzz off..n i'm anti gays too.. peace n God bless ya'll
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