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late nite work

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seriously era sux..i jus nw went to nap den wake up again cos nd to finalise e converting o e stupid era report into ppt..seriously sia..i dunno wad's e shit wif era..learnt no shit @ all la..kao eh..sry guys..choose e stupid wrong module den pull everyone down wif me haha

jus nw i tink i train airchair abit too shiong alr haha..when i sit up frm my bed den abs abit lyk screaming sia haha..budden nvm la..sooner or later i'm gonna be able to do airchair spin haha..den mayb it can be my trademark in nra bboys alr hahaha yeah..woots..tink o it abit high..imagine we doing showcase den i'm lyk spinning..wooooots...!!!! actually i nw training airchair cos i can't reali use my left hand due to my blister dat's healing..wanna let it lyk heal 90% b4 cont wif footwork n solar training haha..i noe la can train one hand solar budden i wan lyk almost master my 2hands solar n eclipse b4 going on to one hand haha

napfa is coming..jus nw tried my standing board managed to jump abt 230+ so shld be ok la hor..haha..nw nd to try my sit n reach, my shuttle run, my 2.4, my pullups and my situps..i tink sit n reach plus situps shld be no prob la hor..considering nra got train..i is abit worried my pullups and 2.4 cos i v long nvr train shuttle run..hmm i not so sure abt dat one oso..cos v long nvr play bball den dunno if still got e burst factor onot leh..haha well nvm still got abit more time..mus train..!! haha i dun wan go extra 3months bmt sia haha..i hope army can get ocs..if not den jus get some slack job n pass thru ba haha..

well cyall tml lol..God bless =D

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  • I'm kiat
  • From Singapore
  • hi erm dis is my blog.. it's nt very interesting to read unless u noe me.. i'm nt v tall..n nt v buff either..dey say i'm skinny.. i'm in nra..i like dance..more towards bboying actually..but i'm fine wif locking n lyrical hip hop too..popping is nice oso.. i used to play bball n guitar..pool too..but i dun reali haf lotsa time to spare nw so kinda neglected dem haha.. i'm a any anti-christian dicks can jus buzz off..n i'm anti gays too.. peace n God bless ya'll
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