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happy bdae to me

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lol dis year my bdae can say is e most special, or one o e most's lyk on a friday la..den cos e sgls/agls to be all wan lyk go eat den ok lor go wif dem since is lyk my bdae e nxt day plus so long nvr go out wif dem alr..den we go bugis eat e wad ma la huo den on e bus dere we lyk sit @ e back o e double den we lyk tok cock la..den i told dem abt e ronnie gal sleeping den wake up wif e phlegm one..den kai oso got one super disgusting story sia hahaha walao lol..

den e food was ok la..not dat much o a variety o food..budden got free flow o super diluted lemon juice..but betta den nth la hor haha..aft dat we go e arcade walk walk ard n c ppl play arcade den joel wan eat dessert so we go mac buy ice den quite late alr so we wan go liao..den we go back i tink all e rest left le..left yide jialing n weng..den aft dat dey wan go eat dessert again lol..i was abit sian cos xing dey all call me go bpp/kap find dem..budden nvm la i dun wan ps joel n yide so ok lor i go wif dem to eat..o cos la still got jialing n weng oso..den i quite full alr cos o e macflurry n e steamboat..budden ok la jus eat..den in e end yide treat me to e mango sago stuff..haha quite nie sia e mango lol..dat street brings back some memories oso haha..but jus feelings lol..

anyway ok la eat alr..den me n joel go e bus stop wanna take 961 back..budden shit sia we missed e last bus by 5min hahaha..wad sia..den we discuss awhile den in e end take cab..he drop me off @ esplanaide to c if still got 171 e end dun haf so he take cab back hm himself n i take nr1..told my mom la o cos..budden dey still called lyk 2x so i abit dulan lol..den when i reach hm xing was lyk msging me y so late den go hm cos ronnie dey all waiting for me online..budden i super nd to shit so i go on e router first den i wan go my parents room shit..i abit black face when i reach hm one cos i c eh y my parents 1am plus alr still watching channel news asia..i tot dey got smth to say abt me or kp smth sia lol..

budden when i open my parents room door den i was lyk eh? y lyk got resistance one..den i turn rite den walao xing dey all shout HAPPY BDAE..!!!!! lol sia i super stun n shock leh lol..i actually wan go shit belt alr almost fully unbuckle liao..walao lucky i nvr lyk take out my top n jeans n put in e washing basket in e kitchen sia lol..if not i open e door oni den everyone c me i my boxers hahaha..wadddddddd... lol..den dey call me go my room..den i open e door i was lyk eh? y nobody in e room..i tot my bro sleeping or wad..den my bed e pillows n stuff e arrangement got alot o food on my bed..den e pig dat mei gave me wearing a ne somemore is dat time i tell baowen v dope e cap.den suddenly got ppl lyk shout out frm under e bed n other ppl start appearing lol..wa..kao eh..ppppp full force come sia..except boss la cos he nxt day got smth on den cannot come haha..but nvm la lol..

wa i super chua sai leh..i nvr kena dis kinda ting b4..i mean..wa..i mus say nw dat thx ppppp for coming up wif such a suprise..thx huat for being dere too..n thx jialing n yide n joel n all for collaborating wif dem too..thx kai n pw n all for organising e steamboat..thx all o u..haha..thx for making me feel special on my bdae =D

(food for me to eat @ nite hahaha)

(woots... my new new-era cap haha)

haha kk anyway dey bought cake den lyk wa..haha..full scale surprise party sia haha..den i super suprise my parents play along oso haha..seriously thx guys.appreciate all u all did..den bw even webcam wif eve la good to c her lol..miss her alot ppppp isn't complete w/o her..hope she comes back soon lol..haha den aft dat went studio super early in e morning cos scared late for technique den wa..i first time lent all my jackets out green xtomic one, my np jacket n my stomp hoodie lol..hope dey dun all return me @ e same time lol..if not my bag sure gg one haha..

anyway go sch i go learn e locking for e suntec competition den i tink it's super dope la lol..budden i super scared i can't lyk do it well's lyk..we're gonna compete against alegra dey vanessa n gang, in da hse, steffi's grp n o cos..all e other dope dance crews out dere..teams frm o sch, street soulz, too many alr..i'm scared dat i'll pull down my team's std..n we'll loose bcos o me..shit sia..i'm gonna pia dance my studies too..gonna haf to balance it well n be super self disciplined..

haha anyway went for technique e stretching part..actually we is say when dey learning choreo den we prac bboy budden i super shag so i go sleep lol..slp til 2 haha..den is lyk..hear someone calling me thru my earphones lol..aft dat go wif jj to town to try buy tix for harry potter budden all e non-midnight shows are lyk sold out la in e end we run lyk frm cine to the cathay to ps n back to cine to buy e tix lol..den aft dat went hm supposedly to sleep awhile n do my il2 report..budden in e end surf net for super long den do e flowchart den i go out n meet dem again haha..hang ard cine dere n ate subway lol..went to e arcade n play e darts game alex intro haha..super fun sia..1buck can play super long lol..den aft dat go watch harry potter..

ok la it's not dat fantastic..dey cut too much o e show alr..i much o e story was cut la lol..den i dunno y dey got lyk wad..a 10sec close up o harry la ji wif cho chang lol..isn't it lyk supposed to be a family show? haha..budden i tink e fat ass dat played doleres umbridge played it quite well..cos she reali seemed lyk a bitch n stuff haha..

anyway aft dat went o e bus stop behind somerset..where i realised dere's nr haha..actually dun wan go hm so early one..cos wan walk wif dem to esplanaide n chill..i super love to chill dere la..budden jus nw when playing darts my mom call n lyk..not say kp la..abit kp abit nag abit tok to me..say y i always go hm so nxt day got church ok lor sry ppppp ps u all n take bus back first..first time i leave first sia haha..anyway reach hm faster chiong n bathe den go slp alr lol..

woke up @ lyk 10.50 n faster change n go out alr..i nvr bathe cos i jus bathed lyk 5hrs ago lol..den ok la..late for church for abt 30min..sry Jesus..anyway i managed to stay awake for e sermon tdy..nvr slp @ all prayers were answered sia haha..woots..!! e msg was smth i kinda cant' rem nw..oh ya..end times lol..i mus rem dat e end times are ya..mus live life according to God's will lol..kinda lyk in sync wif wad my mom was telling me over e phone yest lol..anyway i kinda lyk saw wad was hell abt..i tot o hell too lightly's seriously an undope place to be sia..super damn pain..burning for eternity leh..super pain sia..haiz..

anyway aft dat ate subway..finally e subway toaster working..n plus got parmesan oregano n got cold cut trio fav combo..put honey mustard n lettuce n tomatoes aft dat went back church for hong li 传道's dumbledore's army 查经 session lol..we're studying on galatians..once a month haha..den aft dat took a bus joyride ard town den get back to church n meet my parents cos got abt 1hr to kill dun wan sit ard n take bus n listen music's lyk my own space n time sia..if i too long nvr sit bus n listen music i'll damn sian one haha..

anyway we went to dis random hotel called miramar hotel n eat e wad ioki sushi..smth lidat lol..wa den e salmon dere is super dope..haha e grilled salmon is lyk e wco o e salmons sia..super dope ahaha..budden my parents abit dunno how to eat dis kinda buffet sia..haha i order wad den dey koup frm me..den in e end i mus keep ordering haha..mus everybody order wad dey wanna eat den will full ma haha..budden nvm la in e end everyone eat til full full haha..e 30bucks pax was well spent i tink..budden most o e waiters dere e attitude sux lol..oni got one o 2 is ok de lol..actually i dun lyk my parents to lyk bring me go eat so expensive jus cos is my bdae..i's not e place man..i jus wanna have a nice meal wif my whole complete family..i noe dey love me la..i love dem's jus well..some big misunderstanding happened along e way n tings turned out e way dey are

waddd haha anyway yide pwned his leg super bad to i guess no fyp tml..i can go solo la budden i wanna study abit o proteo n btn cos exams coming soon plus i quite busy so ya..gonna study in lib tml lol..kk cyall ppl..again, thx for e wonderful bdae celebration..

peace everyone
God bless!!

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  • I'm kiat
  • From Singapore
  • hi erm dis is my blog.. it's nt very interesting to read unless u noe me.. i'm nt v tall..n nt v buff either..dey say i'm skinny.. i'm in nra..i like dance..more towards bboying actually..but i'm fine wif locking n lyrical hip hop too..popping is nice oso.. i used to play bball n guitar..pool too..but i dun reali haf lotsa time to spare nw so kinda neglected dem haha.. i'm a any anti-christian dicks can jus buzz off..n i'm anti gays too.. peace n God bless ya'll
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