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sat sat sat

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lol tdy went out wif dadddy...or rather yest la lol..suppopsed to meet her @ 12..budden i 11.40 msg her cfm e meeting place she tell me she jus wake up haha..wad..nvm la i agar guess she'd take abt an hour to get i go walk ard np n sit down to listen to music..shit sia..early noe go hm eat prata first den come out again haha..anyway in e end got some mix up..dadddy say meet @ interchage..i tot is yishun int but she meant sembawang i tot she stay yishun ma haha..anyway in e end take bus to chongpang to meet her..den raining den kena my shirt wet abit lol..damn scared to wet my cap la..cos i is wear e one dat ronnie dey all gimme for my bdae de lol..

anyway aft dat take 167 to town cos i dun wan take train cos i damn broke alr plus my card no money liao lol..i @ first abit scared will lyk akward silence..but in e end still ok la lol..went to cine to c if can watch simpsons onot..but cannot alr la lol too late..cos dadddy meeting michelle (wanting) @ ok lor we go eat..walk ard trying to decide where to eat den in e end went heeren eat wanton noodles haha..abit o memories sia haha..but as e name says..memories are o e past lol..

eat alr den i go wif her to somerset to wait for wanting to come den aft dat i walk to dhoby ghaut to take bus hm cos not meeting ppppp til @ nite..budden i super sian to go hm den come out again so i ask ard c who wan come out awhile..den in e end meet bw to come out chill lol..went cck to meet him den went lib while waiting for him..borrowed a book lo..den aft dat walk ard den take bus to bpp to meet peggy n nicole..super hungry la i tot deyll wan e end nvr eat..go til town den eat haha..k la i had my subway so contented alr..den take bus go marina cos dey wan watch midnight show..i @ first dun wan watch de..budden kena psycho til watch haha..n cos i tot dey watching simpsons ma haha..

den on e bus dey wax my hair for me lol cos dey say i wear cap wif my dat shirt v out diao so lol..i face e back n bw style hair for me...maciam showcase sia haha..den take photos wif e simpsons e posters while jj dey all buy e end dey is watch alone e show alone..kao eh..kena scam sia lol..sian la..i nvr watch horror movies b4..super not looking fwd to it but anticipating e story i was lyk hiding behind my cap during e scary parts o e movie lol..k la e scares kinda all appear in e trailer alr..den it's mostly scary cos o e sound oni haha..den e story..hmm tink e twist is more suited to a thriller den a horror movie lol..

den aft dat went to esplanaide to take bus..budden e nite view dere is lyk walao eh own n dope sia lol..@ 3 in e morning..ultimate peaceful..serenity sia..apart frm e beats coming frm dxo la haha..but if u go abit further away wa it's super nice alr lol..nxt time i'm gonna bring my gf dere..bring her come out n thon..den come esplanaide n sit dere til sunrise haha..but nw no gf so can kiv e place first haha..aft dat took nr1 back hm den slp alr lol..

tdy in church nvr slp haha..woots..zhang mu shi e sermon tdy v interesting's always v interesting de lol..tdy is abt..e msg e Bible is saying..den he was saying dat..if we dun repent, God's gonna lyk destroy us..den our times nw v similiar to e times in e book o jeremiah..k it's time to said den done..but i'm gonna try anyway lol..

k shld slp soon..tml mus go btn prac in e morning to hear some presentation..die die mus warning email alr lol..

ps : if u all dunno, e daddddy i'm toking abt is not my real my frien

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  • hi erm dis is my blog.. it's nt very interesting to read unless u noe me.. i'm nt v tall..n nt v buff either..dey say i'm skinny.. i'm in nra..i like dance..more towards bboying actually..but i'm fine wif locking n lyrical hip hop too..popping is nice oso.. i used to play bball n guitar..pool too..but i dun reali haf lotsa time to spare nw so kinda neglected dem haha.. i'm a any anti-christian dicks can jus buzz off..n i'm anti gays too.. peace n God bless ya'll
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