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lol i seem to be stressed sia..dere seems to lyk be quite some shit on my mind nw..

1. suntec dance comp
2. fyp
3. 31st july performance
4. lsct show stopper
5. normal acadamic studies
6. money
7. upcoming attachment

lol i rarely got so much things to worry abt sia..shit man..if only throwing everything to God's as easy as saying it lol..i seriously seem to be taking suntec lightly..den plus jus nw during class got one locking move..or feature, as sophan calls it..i hear e music lyk slack slack relax relax..den i oso do slack slack relax relax e angle lyk super lower den everybody else's..den ann jitao tell e whole class.. u all mus watch ur angle..esp those joining e suntec comp (lol fyi e whole class oni me n bw joining suntec) ur angles betta be correct cos if e whole grp is up urs is down u'll drag ur grp down..smth can't rem exactly wad she said la lol..budden maciam is lyk ann read my blog lidat sia haha..budden it's true la..i can't lyk's either perfect, or dun do..i choose perfect..which translates to train hard..

lol wa den jus nw outside training for e show stopper wif huat n vanessa rite, we lyk going thru e steps..den got dis super extra moon/bean face come kajiao sia..den say wad eh vanessa i noe i teach u..den got one part is turn de..i nvr turn properly den lyk almost fall den dat moon/bean face lyk point @ me n ok la i noe i nw still dun haf perfect 1 round is abit lyk lafable..budden if u can't even do smth so simple lyk pointing ur feet rite...i tink u shld shut dat big hole @ e bottom of ur face..

wad i noe i'm not dat good myself la..but haha..aiya..wadeva la it's my e title says anyway on a lighter note..tdy go sch c e freshies join e heatwave comp lol..ok la dey so early join comp i'm lyk..hmm ok lor..jus take it as a learning exp..good exposure o dem were not bad..a few dance super got feel alot o potential haha as ann would say i guess..den some o dem on stage lyk cute lidat sia haha..i wonder when i'm on stage ppl c me wad dey'll tink haha..

budden again, c dem go comp reminds me o e upcoming comp dat i haf..showstopper not dat bad's a small scale thingy..nth's suntec dat's lyk on my mind..haiz..*shake head* wonder how e feeling will be..i've nvr been in a comp b4.when i first joined nra, all i wanted to do was to learn dance for myself..budden slowly become lyk orh ok la..performance..once in awhile lor..but i nvr ever dreamed or tot dat i'd be joining a's lyk..totally diff tink recently i've been training n somehow or rather i've sort o forgotten e simple joy of's lyk bball..sometimes i forget e simple pleasure of playing the game..but dis time wif dance, it's abit diff..cos i'm in nra, n i'm joining a comp..haiz..

well i guess it's jus train harder ba..n i nd to haf e disciplined not i'll jus collapse la..wif so much shit happening

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dat's me..

  • I'm kiat
  • From Singapore
  • hi erm dis is my blog.. it's nt very interesting to read unless u noe me.. i'm nt v tall..n nt v buff either..dey say i'm skinny.. i'm in nra..i like dance..more towards bboying actually..but i'm fine wif locking n lyrical hip hop too..popping is nice oso.. i used to play bball n guitar..pool too..but i dun reali haf lotsa time to spare nw so kinda neglected dem haha.. i'm a any anti-christian dicks can jus buzz off..n i'm anti gays too.. peace n God bless ya'll
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